Our image of nature is naïve!
During the Free Zone series a selected number of fearless speakers stand up and share their most annoying irritation to those willing to listen and react. An informal evening fuelled by a mix of inspiration and frustration, laughter and tears on how just the smallest thing can make life so irritating and how irritation can lead to inspiration. Join artist, technologist and philosopher Koert van Mensvoort in a discussion on our naive view of nature.
Nature is perhaps the most successful product of our times. Despite the many initiatives to ‘save’ nature or to ‘restore’ our balance with it, the basic question, “what is nature?” is rarely asked. Stroll in nature on a Sunday or watch it in HD on your flat screen 3D TV. We need to indulge in illusions, but is this the role of nature? If we continue to treat nature as a spectacle, certainly we will fail to properly deal with urgent issues such as global warming, massive deforestation or the loss of biodiversity. Unspoilt nature is almost impossible, especially in the Netherlands where every meter of land is artificially decorated, and where our chickens eat genetically modified soy that’s a little more like the original. At the same time, our technological environment is so complex, pervasive and autonomous, that it’s becoming a new kind of ‘natural’ hazard.
Volume #35 Everything Under Control launch
The evening will coincide with the launch of Volume #35 Everything under Control. The issue features an interview with Koert van Mensvoort along with contributions from designers and scientists speculating on the confluence of biology and design.
When: April 3rd
Debate: 19.30 – 21.00
Free entrance
Our restaurant (café&tearoom Roomservice) will be open between: 18.00 – 19.30
Bar open all evening