Droog al Arab

location: Dubai local partner: Traffic Many know Dubai has the tallest skyscrapers, the biggest malls, luxury cars, indoor skiing and fake coastlines. Driven by an ambition to be the best in the world, Dubai’s unprecedented growth has reached a ceiling. Promoting a life of excess in today’s financially and ecologically sensitive climate, can certainly make one unpopular.
Inspired by Dubai’s level of ambition and ability to build new worlds, the Lab will explore a new model for future development, one characterized by social intelligence and collaborative creation.
Project team
Renny Ramakers, director (Droog)
Rami Farook, partner (Traffic)
Jurgen Bey, leading designer (Studio Makkink & Bey)
Saskia van Drimmelen, leading designer (Painted)
Nadine Sterk, designer (Atelier NL)
Emmeline de Mooij, designer
Daphnee Lanternier, designer (Studio Makkink & Bey)
Ahmad Angawi, designer
Omran Al Owais, architect (CENTIMETERCUBE)
Marc Blaisse, consulting expert (Pilgrims)
Stephan Propper & Peter Clercx, consulting experts (TheBrandHotel)
Agata Jaworska, content & project manager (Droog)
Katrin Murbach, Femke de Vries, Daniela Dossi, Libby Scarlett, Tom Merrell, Luis
Nascimento, lab interns (Droog)
Read more about the Lab here
