Masterclass See All This: Maak je eigen Piet Oudolf-tuin

Maak je eigen Piet Oudolf-tuin!

Op aanraden van Piet Oudolf, heeft See All This Linda van de Lavoir uitgenodigd om een masterclass te geven over tuinieren. In deze masterclass vertelt ze over hoe je je eigen tuin kunt maken in de stijl van Piet Oudolf en beantwoordt ze je vragen over jouw tuin.

Over de Masterclass

Die tuin… Het blijft een lastig iets. Je hebt vast wat ideeën en plannen, maar hoe kun je er één geheel van maken?

De tuin is voor velen lastiger in te richten dan het interieur van het huis. Dat is niet gek want met een tuin heb je met een stuk meer factoren te maken zoals het weer en de seizoenen. Daarbovenop komen dan ook nog eens alle planten, hagen en bomen waar je uit kunt kiezen en die je vervolgens ook nog eens de juiste plek moet geven.

Het is fantastisch om met de natuur te ontwerpen, maar je leert de planten niet kennen uit de boeken of van plaatjes. De enige manier om deze materie onder de knie te krijgen is door met je handen in de aarde te zitten met je ogen gericht op de planten.

Linda van de Lavoir is de eigenaar en hoofdontwerper van Studio Linda Lavoir. In haar ontwerpen gaat ze op zoek naar de juiste balans tussen mens en natuur, waarbij ze ontwerpt in de stijl van Piet Oudolf met natuurlijke beplanting.


17.00 uur: Inloop

17.15 uur: Start masterclass

19.00 uur: Nabespreking met een drankje

Ticket: 35 euro

Exhibition See All This: Paradise Found with Piet Oudolf

Paradise Found with Piet Oudolf

It’s Piet Oudolf’s summer! On June 2nd, the See All This summer issue “Paradise Found” featuring Piet Oudolf has been released, and starting from June 3rd, the exhibition will be open to visitors at the gallery@droog. The gallery will transform into a green oasis for the first two weeks where you can purchase plants from the special Piet Oudolf Collection. Additionally, you can explore the exhibition showcasing artworks by artists such as Simon Heijdens, Zora Ottink, Naoko Benom-Miura, and Sophie Steengracht, which will be on display until mid-September.

Exhibition: June 3rd until mid-September
Temporary plant nursery: June 3rd until June 18th
Permanently on display: the new facade garden Amsterdam Low Line by Piet Oudolf for See All This

About the exhibition

It’s Piet Oudolf’s summer, globally adored for his wild gardens like the New York High Line, which revolutionized our relationship with the outdoors. His 300-hectare gardens worldwide opened our eyes to the power of perennial plants, creating gardens that maintain their beauty throughout each season. In this exhibition “Paradise Found” and the summer issue of See All This (no. 30), See All This contemplates what it means to be in nature: what it does for us and how we can align ourselves with its rhythm. Rediscover Eden, immerse yourself in the work “Lightweeds” by Simon Heijdens and other artists, and take home your own Piet Oudolf plants.

Just around the corner, at Groenburgwal, you’ll find Piet Oudolf’s Low Line, a new permanent facade garden that brings more oxygen into the city, specially designed by Oudolf for this occasion.


About See All This 

See All This is an art magazine that appears quarterly in print. An enthusiastic and captivating guide featuring special interviews and adventurous background stories about art, photography, fashion, nature, and travel. Since March 2023, See All This has been housed at @droog, where it curates (sales) exhibitions, dinners, and masterclasses in the gallery space. “Paradise Found” is their inaugural exhibition at @droog.

See All This No. 30 – SUMMER 2023

Photography: Inga Powilleit

See All This: Masterclass with Claudy Jongstra

During this special masterclass with world-renowned artist Claudy Jongstra, you will gain a unique insight into Jongstra’s creative process and have the opportunity to experiment with various techniques she employs in creating textile works.


10:30 – 11:00 AM: Registration with tea and coffee

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM: Experimenting with various techniques such as felting, spinning, weaving, natural dyeing, and watercolor painting

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM: Lunch at the @droog cafe

1:45 PM – 3:30 PM: Continued masterclass

3:30 PM – 4:00 PM: Q&A/Debate


€350 (including tea, coffee, lunch and materials)

A limited number of reduced-price spots (€200) are available, reserved for students and those who find the regular ticket cost prohibitive. By purchasing the “Masterclass + sponsor 1 student” ticket (€500), you make these spots possible.

During this masterclass, Claudy Jongstra will share her knowledge, and you will learn to experiment with various techniques she employs in her work.

This masterclass is specially designed for See All This readers. We look forward to welcoming you!


Studio Claudy Jongstra and See All This invite you to a special masterclass at a unique location in Amsterdam: the building where the famous “staalmeesters” once inspected the woollen fabrics.

Since 2001, Claudy Jongstra and Claudia Busson have maintained a special place in Friesland, where they tend to a herd of rare Drentse Heath sheep and cultivate a botanical garden with unique plants that provide natural pigments. They also collaborate with biodynamic farmers in the Netherlands, Germany, and Spain. This location is where monumental wool artworks are created in vibrant colors, using materials and resources from the garden. Here, knowledge about centuries-old techniques and recipes, which are increasingly disappearing, is also passed on.


In a region dominated by large-scale agriculture and intensive land exploitation, Studio Claudy Jongstra established LOADS in September 2022: a self-sustaining hub of creativity focused on continuous development in new sustainable approaches, aimed at securing livelihoods for future generations in rural and urban communities.

Tickets €350

This masterclass will be held in Dutch.

See All This: Masterclass met Claudy Jongstra *Uitverkocht*

Tijdens deze speciale masterclass met wereldberoemd kunstenaar Claudy Jongstra, krijg je een uniek inzicht in Jongstra’s werkproces en ga je experimenteren met verschillende technieken die ze toepast bij het maken van textielwerken.



10.30 – 11.00 uur: inloop met thee en koffie

11.00 – 13.00 uur: experimenteren met verschillende technieken als vilten, spinnen, weven, plantaardig verven, aquarelschilderen

13.00 – 13.45 uur: lunch in het @droog cafe

13.45 – 15.30 uur: vervolg masterclass

15.30 – 16.00 uur: vragen/debat



€350 inclusief thee, koffie, lunch en materialen

Er is een beperkt aantal plekken beschikbaar tegen gereduceerd tarief (€200). Deze plekken zijn gereserveerd voor studenten en voor wie een regulier ticket te begrotelijk is. Met het ticket Masterclass + sponsor 1 student (€500) maak je deze plek mogelijk.

Tijdens deze masterclass deelt Claudy Jongstra haar kennis en leer je experimenteren met verschillende technieken die ze toepast in haar werk.

Deze masterclass is speciaal ontworpen voor lezers van See All This. We kijken uit naar je komst!



Studio Claudy Jongstra en See All This nodigen je uit voor een speciale masterclass op een unieke plek in Amsterdam: in het gebouw waar ooit de beroemde staalmeesters de lakense stoffen keurden.

Sinds 2001 onderhouden Claudy Jongstra en Claudia Busson een bijzondere plek in Friesland waar ze zorgen voor een kudde zeldzame Drentse Heideschapen, waar ze een botanische tuin met bijzondere gewassen laten groeien die zorgen voor natuurlijke pigmenten, en van waaruit ze samenwerken met biodynamische boeren in Nederland, Duitsland en Spanje. Op deze plek worden monumentale kunstwerken van wol gemaakt, in zinderende kleuren en met materialen en grondstoffen uit de tuin. Ook wordt hier kennis overgedragen over eeuwenoude technieken en recepten die steeds meer verdwijnen.



In een regio waar grootschalige landbouw dominant is en het land intensief geëxploiteerd wordt, heeft Studio Claudy Jongstra in september 2022 LOADS opgericht: een zelfvoorzienende plek van creativiteit, gericht op voortdurende ontwikkeling in nieuwe duurzame benaderingen, gebaseerd op levensonderhoud voor de toekomstige generatie voor landelijke en stedelijke gemeenschappen.


Meer info

See All This @droog

After seven years as an art magazine, See All This is stepping out from the pages and from beyond the computer screen. The art magazine is coming to Amsterdam to give new life to the legendary gallery@droog, located on Staalstraat, where the textile inspectors of the 17th century examined the color and quality of fabrics, immortalized by Rembrandt. It will become a cultural meeting place, a sanctuary, and a spot for enjoying lunch or wine with a magazine.

In this unique space, See All This will host (sales) exhibitions, dinners, and offer masterclasses, aiming to pass on ancient knowledge of materials and techniques while also allowing people to experience the mind-expanding sensation of creating things by hand.

Living with art

The guiding principle of this new adventurous endeavor is “living with art.” Indeed, art can uplift us, reassure us, ask questions, bring joy, and even, as recent groundbreaking research shows, keep us healthy (I. Ross, Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us, March 2023). Art is not just confined to white gallery walls; it surrounds us in our daily lives. Therefore, See All This aims to create a relaxed, homely, and studio-like atmosphere where plants, people, animals, and art come together.

The heart of everything See All This does is its paper magazine, and the themes will be physically translated into the Gallery. The space will constantly transform by collaborating with different international guest curators – simultaneously curating their theme issues – such as landscape designer Piet Oudolf, architect Bijoy Jain, and curator Catherine de Zegher.

Amsterdam’s Highline

Piet Oudolf’s most famous garden is the Highline in New York. This year, Amsterdam is getting its own mini-Highline. Exclusively for See All This, Oudolf has designed a 0.75 x 16-meter-long garden against the facade of @droog on Groenburgwal: a gift to @droog and the city of Amsterdam. This southeast-facing garden has already been planted.

“In a time of change, Droog is changing too. In every corner of @droog, our past is visible, but in the true spirit of Droog, we are also open to new ideas. See All This creates a beautiful magazine, and I can imagine how they will enthusiastically breathe new life into our unique space.”
– Renny Ramakers

About See All This

See All This is an art magazine that appears quarterly in print. An enthusiastic and captivating guide featuring special interviews and adventurous background stories about art, photography, fashion, nature, and travel. Since March 2023, See All This has been housed at @droog, where it curates (sales) exhibitions, dinners, and masterclasses in the gallery space. “Paradise Found” is their inaugural exhibition at @droog.

Exhibition Claudy Jongstra X See All This

Claudy Jongstra exclusively opens her archive for an exhibition in collaboration with art magazine See All This. Jongstra’s works go back two decades and offer a good overview of the artist’s extensive oeuvre. With samples and artworks made for various exhibitions around the world, this initiative is the way to get your hands on a unique artwork.

For one time only, leading up to International Women’s Day 2023, artist Claudy Jongstra will open her archive for a unique and festive exhibition. This exhibition will co-facilitate LOADS, the new extension of Studio Claudy Jongstra: an indispensable and dynamic place for educational and agricultural projects that encourage biodiversity and revive historical dye plants and craftsmanship.

About Claudy Jongstra

Claudy Jongstra creates monumental, tactile installations in shimmering colours. All materials used for her fabrics are locally sourced: the wool comes from Jongstra’s flock of Drentse heath sheep and the natural dyes come from the dye plants growing in the botanical garden surrounding the farm in the Frisian village of Húns. In her creative process, she reverts to centuries-old colour recipes and techniques. Her work is featured in the collections of museums such as the MoMA in New York, the V&A Museum in London and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.

Archive Sale Claudy Jongstra by See All This

Art Magazine See All This would like to invite you to the special Archive Sale with works by Claudy Jongstra at gallery@droog.
Around International Women’s Day 2023, SAT will organise a festive sale and exhibition with unique works from the artist’s archive.

For one time only, leading up to International Women’s Day 2023, artist Claudy Jongstra will open her archive for a unique and festive sales exhibition. This Archive Sale will co-facilitate LOADS, the new extension of Studio Claudy Jongstra: an indispensable and dynamic place for educational and agricultural projects that encourage biodiversity and revive historical dye plants and craftsmanship.

About Claudy Jongstra

Claudy Jongstra creates monumental, tactile installations in shimmering colours. All materials used for her fabrics are locally sourced: the wool comes from Jongstra’s flock of Drentse heath sheep and the natural dyes come from the dye plants growing in the botanical garden surrounding the farm in the Frisian village of Húns. In her creative process, she reverts to centuries-old colour recipes and techniques. Her work is featured in the collections of museums such as the MoMA in New York, the V&A Museum in London and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.